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This month has been filled with blog posts about improving your oral health and dental experience. We have talked about having a healthier family and overcoming your fear of the dentist. Our Plano, TX dentist office seems to have something for everyone, doesn’t it?

That’s the way we want it to be. No matter your needs or desires, you should be able to walk into our office and find the solution you are looking for. That’s our goal for 2017, and it’s been our goal since we opened the door to 1st in Smiles.

Finding Your Dream Smile in 2017

Once your smile is healthy, and you are feeling comfortable in the dentist office, let us help you achieve your dream smile.

What Does That Mean?

It’s different for every patient. Here’s a little trick we’ve learned over the years, and it has served our patients well. When you look at your smile in the mirror, what is the very first thing that you notice?

The Color? A Chipped/Cracked Tooth? A Gap? Pure Perfection?

For most people, perfection is not the reaction, but if that’s what you see, then this blog post isn’t for you. Today we want to talk to those of you who look in the mirror and are embarrassed or disappointed by what you see.

What Should You Do Now?

That very first thing you notice when you look in the mirror is going to be our first priority. It’s the beginning of your brand new smile for 2017, and it all starts with a plan.

When you come into our office to chat about your smile goals, we are going to be taking notes and creating a smile plan. Don’t let this scare you. We can come up with a wonderful plan, but we are only going to encourage you to do what you feel comfortable with. This is, after all, your smile.

So when we recommend something like Invisalign to correct the gaps in your smile, let us know your thoughts. We want to work within your comfort zone, but we also want you to fully understand what your options are.

Veneers, for example, can sometimes be an alternative to orthodontic treatment. Placing a shell over the fronts of your teeth can help us close the gaps AND restore a beautiful color to your teeth.

On the other hand, teeth whitening may be an option if color is your number one priority. Maybe you’re content with the shape and alignment of your teeth, but you are missing the sparkle of beautifully white teeth.

Let’s Start at the Beginning

A very good place to start, as they say. Don’t waste another day sitting in front of your mirror contemplating. Don’t waste any more time convincing yourself that a beautiful smile is not possible. It is most definitely within reach, and it begins with an appointment to see Dr. Barfield at 1st in Smiles.

Dr. Barfield’s experience and quality care set the bar in Plano for cosmetic dentistry. His attention to detail will ensure that you walk away from the office with the smile you were dreaming of.

Call 972-380-8105 today to schedule a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Barfield. Make 2017 the year that you finally have the smile you have been wanting for years. There’s no better time.